3.9.1. Overview


The new commercial license setup involves 3 elements:

  • A license key, with information about your current subscription so that it doesn’t need to be validated externally. There is only one license key needed at the organisation level, no per-user keys or activation is needed.
  • A connection string to a storage mechanism that you have control of, where information about the users using FakeXrmEasy will be stored.
  • An environment variable that is used in build / release pipelines to exclude the users running these.

When a FakeXrmEasy user (usually a developer) runs a test suite, FakeXrmEasy will automatically check if you have a valid license key, will retrieve that user information and will automatically check if all the users in your organisation are covered under a license. This will be done once for the whole test run.

License Key

You’ll be given a license key with your subscription. You’ll need to distribute the license key among the developers or users of FakeXrmEasy but the license key is not a named license: the same license key will be used by all the developers. It’s basically one license key per organisation and subscription.

There are multiple ways in which the license key could be stored, we provide some sample code using environment variables as it might be the easiest way to get up and running, as it will work across all the repositories in your organisation.

Storage Mechanism (SubscriptionStorageProvider)

In order to properly assess how many users will use FakeXrmEasy, we need to count and store that information into a central, shared place. We provide a generic interface so your organisation have full flexibility to decide where to store that information. In addition to that, in the samples repository we also provide an implementation using blob storage, so you don’t have to do it from scratch either, provided you are happy with that solution.

Build pipelines setup

Finally, you might need some minor extra tweaks to your existing build pipelines.