You can use either early-bound custom actions or late bound custom actions. If you use early-bound custom actions you’ll have a subclass of an OrganizationRequest class that you’ll use to trigger the execution of said custom action. Whereas with late bound, you’ll use the OrganizationRequest with the RequestName property.
You can find more information about how to generate early-bound classes for custom actions in this post: You’ll find more info on the Microsoft learn site, under the Using Custom Actions section.
In FakeXrmEasy, we can use FakeMessageExecutors to simulate the response of these custom actions:
If the custom action is an early-bound custom action, you can use the FakeMessageExecutor class and the AddFakeMessageExecutors method in middleware to use them.
If the custom action is a late-bound custom action, you can use the GenericFakeMessageExecutor class and the AddGenericFakeMessageExecutors method in middleware to use them.
When developing and testing code that depends on early-bound custom actions, you would:
This example assumes you have an action generated as new_TestActionRequest, and that it returns a new_TestActionResponse.
public class TestActionExecutor : IFakeMessageExecutor
public bool CanExecute(OrganizationRequest request)
return request is new_TestActionRequest;
public OrganizationResponse Execute(OrganizationRequest request, IXrmFakedContext ctx)
var response = new new_TestActionResponse();
response["output"] = request["input"];
return response;
public Type GetResponsibleRequestType()
return typeof(new_TestActionRequest);
var context = MiddlewareBuilder
This section will guide about developing and mocking late-bound custom actions. Similarly to early-bound custom actions, you would:
Here we are using a demo action name for testing purposes. Let’s assume we have a custom action with a “input” property and an “output” property. The custom action simply This GenericMessageExecutor will be executed for a “new_TestAction” request, and it will return a property with name “output” that matches what it received as the “input”.
public class NewGenericFakeMessageExecutor : IGenericFakeMessageExecutor
private const string RequestName = "new_TestAction";
public bool CanExecute(OrganizationRequest request)
return request.RequestName == RequestName;
public OrganizationResponse Execute(OrganizationRequest request, IXrmFakedContext ctx)
OrganizationResponse response = new OrganizationResponse();
response["output"] = request["input"];
return response;
public Type GetResponsibleRequestType()
return typeof(OrganizationRequest);
public string GetRequestName()
return RequestName;
Repeat this step for each late bound custom action.
Then, during the middleware setup, add a AddGenericFakeMessageExecutors where you pass the Assembly where one or more of the generic fake message executors are located. You only need to do this once per assembly.
var context = MiddlewareBuilder