
FakeXrmEasy versions 2.x and 3.x come with a brand new middleware capable of executing a fully configurable pipeline.

In previous versions (1.x) there was one single implementation executed for every OrganizationRequest.

With the new architecture, every OrganizationRequest is executed through a pipeline of configurable steps (the middleware), making extending it way easier and also decoupling each extension package from other packages.

You would typically add the middleware setup in a base test class so it has to be defined only once for all the unit tests in your test project.

FakeXrmEasy uses a triple licensed model, for more info please check our licensing section.

Minimal Setup

In this example, the middleware is using a middleware setup with support for CRUD operations only.

CRUD contains implementations for the following messages:

  • Retrieve
  • RetrieveMultiple
  • Create
  • Update
  • Delete
  • Upsert (if available depending on the Dataverse / CRM version)
  • Associate
  • Dissassociate
public class FakeXrmEasyTestsBase
    protected readonly IXrmFakedContext _context;
    protected readonly IOrganizationServiceAsync2 _service;

    public FakeXrmEasyTestsBase() 
        _context = MiddlewareBuilder
                        // Here we are saying we're using FakeXrmEasy (FXE) under a commercial context
                        // For more info please refer to the license at https://dynamicsvalue.github.io/fake-xrm-easy-docs/licensing/license/
                        // And the licensing FAQ at https://dynamicsvalue.github.io/fake-xrm-easy-docs/licensing/faq/

        _service = _context.GetAsyncOrganizationService2();

Extra Messages Setup

By adding AddFakeMessageExecutors we tell FakeXrmEasy to also search for other FakeXrmEasy message executors in the current assembly.

In order to use the messages from the FakeXrmEasy.Messages.* packages, we need to tell FakeXrmEasy to search in that assembly.

We can do so easily by adding one of the messages in that package once, and it’ll automatically include all of the fake messages in that assembly.

You can call this method with other assemblies as many times as you want, too. This might be useful if you already had some custom fake messages implemented, you can add a second call with your own assembly and those custom messages will take precedence over prior calls.

public class FakeXrmEasyTestsBase
    protected readonly IXrmFakedContext _context;
    protected readonly IOrganizationServiceAsync2 _service;

    public FakeXrmEasyTestsBase() 
        _context = MiddlewareBuilder



                        // Here we are saying we're using FakeXrmEasy (FXE) in compliance with the Reciprocal Public License 1.5
                        // For more info please refer to the license at https://dynamicsvalue.github.io/fake-xrm-easy-docs/licensing/license/
                        // And the licensing FAQ at https://dynamicsvalue.github.io/fake-xrm-easy-docs/licensing/faq/

        _service = _context.GetAsyncOrganizationService2();

When importing the fake messages from the FakeXrmEasy.Messages NuGet package, you’ll need to explicitly tell FakeXrmEasy to search for fake messages in that assembly, and so the setup in that case would look like the following:

public class FakeXrmEasyTestsBase
    protected readonly IXrmFakedContext _context;
    protected readonly IOrganizationServiceAsync2 _service;

    public FakeXrmEasyTestsBase() 
        _context = MiddlewareBuilder



                        // Here we are saying we're using FakeXrmEasy (FXE) in compliance with the Modified PolyForm Non-Commercial license 1.0.0
                        // For more info please refer to the license at https://dynamicsvalue.github.io/fake-xrm-easy-docs/licensing/license/
                        // And the licensing FAQ at https://dynamicsvalue.github.io/fake-xrm-easy-docs/licensing/faq/

        _service = _context.GetAsyncOrganizationService2();

Generic Fake Message Executors Setup

There are some types of fake messages for which there is no associated strongly typed object generated in the CRM / Dataverse SDK. These can be messages like, for example, late-bound custom actions, or out of the box messages.

There is a specific construct for these in the pipeline .AddGenericFakeMessageExecutors():

public class FakeXrmEasyTestsBase
    protected readonly IXrmFakedContext _context;
    protected readonly IOrganizationServiceAsync2 _service;

    public FakeXrmEasyTestsBase() 
        _context = MiddlewareBuilder

                        .AddGenericFakeMessageExecutors(Assembly.GetAssembly(typeof (NavigateToNextEntityOrganizationRequestExecutor)))


        _service = _context.GetAsyncOrganizationService2();

Pipeline Simulation Setup

Pipeline simulation setup that will fire plugin executions if you have registered the necessary plugin steps in your unit test setup.

public class FakeXrmEasyTestsBase
    protected readonly IXrmFakedContext _context;
    protected readonly IOrganizationServiceAsync2 _service;

    public FakeXrmEasyTestsBase() 
        _context = MiddlewareBuilder




        _service = _context.GetAsyncOrganizationService2();